Colony Workplaces Newest Member - Calendar Sunrooms
Today, September 24th, Colony Workplaces is happy to announce that they have signed up their newest client. Calendar Sunrooms, based in Farmingdale, has been looking for office space for their expansion into Huntington. We asked the owners of Calendar why they decided to move into Colony Workplaces. They explained to us that their business has been surging in the Huntington area. A drawback to their existing model is that the customers in the area are reluctant to travel to Farmingdale. The flexible terms and small footprint that Colony offered them will give us a cost effective advantage to further growth in the Huntington area. The owners go on to tell us that because they live in Huntington, they can spend more time working on administrative necessities of their business. Calendar will be utilizing a private office that will come with enough room for administrative needs, as well as the ability to meet with customers in the office.Calendar Sunrooms is a family owned business that has been serving both Nassau and Suffolk Counties for over 70 years. Supporting local businesses, they manufacture their sunrooms, screen rooms and awnings in their own factory. The professionals at Calendar will help you design the addition to your home as well as installing it themselves. Their team of highly experienced designers and planners has the knowledge to take your sunroom from concept to completion. They will work with you to design a room to meet your budget.For more information about Calendar, visit their website, or call 631.501.1280.